The altered beast with awkward speech; I scorch with heat when your talk is cheap.
Age 42, Male
New York
Joined on 12/16/99
that's the most awesomest tattoo ever!
The ladies dig the 8-bit.
How badass.
Whoever drew those lines perfectly is awesome.
Or did they cheat and use a machine.
Or did you cheat and use a machine ;)
I went in with a blown-up picture of the sprite, they did a trace of the picture and copied it to some kind of transfer paper, applied the trace to my arm like a cereal box temporary tattoo, then traced the trace with an actual tattooing needle, basically.
That is pretty sexy looking :D
Damn you, Steve! You make an awesome Mega Man rap, then you get an awesome Mega Man tattoo. What's next?!
A working cannonhand.
Pixels on human skin are just so...
You're going to completely regret that in a decade or two, but it's awesome while it lasts. Are those hairy tits I see?
LOL why do you think that?
And yes the hair on my chest is peeking out of the wifebeater to say "hi".
pure retro there.
Get Zero on the other arm.
or Proto maybe.
LOL nahh one of this type is enough.
They call my dick the Megabuster. <3
Does it flash and makes sounds when it's charging up?
Actually, don't answer that.
I'd say thats sad, but i fear a one sylabol word couldn't do it.
You just got a video game character tatooed on yourself, congratulations at life.
LOL you're just mad over being banned like five minutes ago.
Nahhh, just a two day ban, my life won't end.
Although your social life might with that thing on your arm ' LOL '.
If you're going to try to make jokes about other people's social lives then you probably shouldn't be doing it alone at your computer on a Friday evening.
XD nice one man!
To be honest though, I liked... uh... what's-'is-face's Starman DX tattoo the best of all the video-game inspired tattoos. Gonna take me ages to figure out what ink I want, though my tat's probably gonna be over my left pectoral.
I love you...