The altered beast with awkward speech; I scorch with heat when your talk is cheap.

Age 42, Male

New York

Joined on 12/16/99

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Posted by StealthSteve - February 6th, 2009

Hi guys, let's see how many more people I can get to hate me with this one. :| Now if I were you I wouldn't even waste my time reading this, especially since I go on and on like a fucking windbag (seriously, count how many rhetorical questions I have in there, LOL). No one is going to get me to alter my position, but HEY, if you feel like bitching me out some more then I'll leave the comments open this time around. Don't hold your collective breath for any detailed responses though, this shit here was distracting enough as it is. Rooby sent a message trying to talk some sense into me, but clearly, I am an asshole who cannot actually be reasoned with. Go figure.

RE: Hello.

At 2/6/09 1:42 AM, RoobyKillAll wrote:
: Now, first off I know you're already thinking "What business do I have even saying anything in this matter." But I do feel a certain amount of obligation as I'm part of the hip-hop society of NG. What you're proposing to do here may not break NG rules specifically, but don't expect anyone to listen or respect you over it when both war-spawn and yun have clearly stated politely that they don't want you rapping over their tracks.
: A good handful of the rappers here feel strongly about this and would really wish it if you didn't just walk in here like you own the place just because you've got a golden aura. It's a matter of respect and I personally think you've been incredibly rude to both war-spawn and yun, a really bad example for a mod to be setting. You may have an account from '99 but that truly doesn't mean you have seniority on the hip-hop page. The way you went about taking those tracks was just plain disrespectful and the hip-hop community including myself will not tolerate anyone waltzing in here willy nilly and feel they have the right to use whatever they want.
: You just simply don't have permission to use their work. It's simple as that. Sampled or not, it's a little different than just writing some words and rapping them. It's a whole production. So I assure you, no matter how much you feel you're right on this, you're not. And regardless of whatever you have to say about this matter is already decided and no one will hear what you have to say because nobody wants to listen to someone who thinks they're above respect.
: I've asked war-spawn for beats nicely, and he's been more than willing to give me stuff to spit on. Maybe if you weren't a straight up asshole about it he would've given you some dope shit to flow on. Now you're just causing conflict and upsetting more people than you think you are. It's just really not even worth it. These tracks actually mean something to real artists. Not only war-spawn or yun, but the whole beat making community. Some of their stuff they just want to remain instrumental and we don't want people waltzing in with that kind of "right" to just use whatever they like without even asking. You've no sense of courtesy. Just don't use the tracks man.

I realize that I've upset people over this situation, and for THAT, I truly am sorry. I'm not the type of guy who hops into shit LOOKING to rock the boat and make waves. I've never been that guy in my life... but at the same time I've also never been the guy to back down either, ESPECIALLY when I'm being approached with what I honestly feel is a stupid and rather INSULTING argument or request. So, for however much of an asshole as I may appear, I am NOT sorry for asserting my position. As far as I'm concerned, my rude behavior post-fact is the only valid argument any of y'all have against me.

One thing I despise you people saying, and it's been REPEATED by a number of you... is this idea that there's some huge difference in effort between making beats and writing rhymes. Y'all keep telling me there's a difference, y'all keep telling me what "REAL ARTISTS" are about. So really, cut the shit -- what is it that you people are REALLY trying to say? That I'm not a real artist? That what I do doesn't count for nothing? Is that what it is?

I hope you understand that brushing things off like "well rhyming is nothing but it takes effort to make a instrumental" is about as STUPID AND IMBECILIC as all the people who say "rap sucks, it's just people talking, they don't even sing, blah blah BLAH" ??? Do you understand this FACT? This FACT that y'all are chopping down what I do, shitting on what ***I*** put effort into? All of y'all want to remind me so much of how it takes time and effort to make beats and you shit on the process of writing and you shit on MY writing in your attempt to make that argument. I hope you fucking realize that. I'm being shitted-on here and I have a handful of people just WAITING for me to recant my position??? Well fuck that. Do you see 'WELCOME' printed sideways across the back of my shirt?

None of you have to explain to me what making art is about... I'm well-familiarized, THANKS. Sometimes inspiration strikes and the art seems to create itself... you could have a masterpiece completed practically in one sitting, something so great you're astonished at YOURSELF for even being able to create it. And other times... well, other times it can take days, weeks, months, even YEARS to put together one project, a burden of pain and passion all at the same time. I UNDERSTAND THESE THINGS WELL, DO YOU? The obvious fact of the matter is that yes... anybody CAN write rhymes. Not only that, but anybody can sing songs too. Anybody can animate Flash. Anybody can make beats. Anybody can paint pictures. Anybody can tell stories. Anybody can make jokes. Anybody can do anything, this much is a fucking GIVEN.

Clearly, what makes art ART is HOW people go about doing what they do. Anybody can do anything, but not everybody can do everything with significance. So when you people try to tell me, YOU TRY TO DICTATE TO ME what takes effort and what doesn't... well, that's when I KNOW you're full of shit and have nothing worthwhile to say to me. There's only two reasons for you people to try telling me what's what -- you either A) think my work is so shitty that it doesn't even count as art, or B) you've lost sight of what art is your-damn-selves. This is what has ME agitated. You're trying to make it out like what he does takes LITERAL blood sweat and tears, but what I do can be farted-out without so much as shifting around in the couch cushion. Well honestly, fuck y'all. I have no reason to be polite with people who think I'm nothing but a goddamn joke anyway.

Sure, WS approached me politely, REAL NICE, that's great... but that doesn't erase his reason for posting on my blog in the first place. It still just boils down to "cease and desist because I think you suck". So, figuratively-speaking, I couldn't give a fuck less about him keeping his elbows off the table when he's still just sticking his food-filled tongue out at me making faces. Everyone knows you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar... but that doesn't change the fact that someone's still out trying to kill that fucking fly! Is this too abstract for you? Do you get what I'm saying here? Do you or do you not see how I'M being disrespected?


Now as much as I'm pissed about people trying to tell me what art is, like I don't know what the fuck is what and like what I create doesn't take any effort or talent... as much as THAT pisses me off, it pisses me off even MORE than y'all are trying to crucify me over wanting to utilize things of theirs that aren't even fully quite THEIRS to begin with! Y'all keep telling me shit like "yeah well, what if someone took something you made and tore it apart huh?" as if that isn't how they create their fucking beats in the first place!!! Do you see how absurd this shit is!?!? Let me ask you this -- the artists whose songs they sample from, do you think those people EVER EXPECTED some random teenagers to be sitting at their computers tearing their songs apart? Do you think those people EVER anticipated that shit? So these dudes sample dozens if not HUNDREDS of other people's art, without so much as a notification or a head's up or ANYTHING... and they have the fucking nerve to tell ME that they don't want me touching "their" tracks? Well ho-ly shit. WS said that 'Protect the Innocent' was more than just music to him... well, I wonder what the loops and soundbites mean to the people who ORIGINALLY created them? I wonder what WS would say if those people approached him like "I don't care how you feel about 'your' beat or whatever the fuck it means to you... it's OUR material, dismantle your shit and take OUR STUFF out of it." I'm sure he'd feel MIGHTY INSULTED hearing that after all the time and concentration he put into shaping and crafting his work, as if all HIS effort was a fucking joke or something. Yet you people honestly can't see why I'm reacting the way I am? REALLY? Am I THAT far into outer space? So y'all just have ZERO CONFIDENCE in me, is that it? You think I can't spit it with delirium and turn hot beats into meaningful songs deserving of people's respect?

It is absolutely incredible to me how they could use other people's work, chop it apart and repiece-it in ways the original artists NEVER expected and probably never wanted... and then have the fucking GALL to accuse ME of potentially ruining THEIR work with my rhymes (before they've even heard them, no less)! Now what in the FUCK is that!? The people they borrow from NEVER saw it coming... yet you're honestly going to try to tell me that WS and Yun were like, caught off-guard by what I'M doing? Like they couldn't foresee that -- after uploading some instrumentals -- people might actually come along and make some rhymes for them? Like that shit is a surprise!? Am I dealing with a bunch of fucking retards or something? It isn't that I think my shit don't stink because I have a gold aura (seriously, who even gives a fuck about that anyway? stop projecting), I just think y'all are being a bunch of STUPID CUNTS is all, and I'd say the same shit with a blue or pink aura for all it really matters. Sorry for not being a "good example" for NG but I calls it like I sees it and y'all clearly do the same. You call me an asshole and I haven't even disagreed with that. You're spot-on in your assessment. Doesn't change the fact that your arguments are still horseshit.

And when Yun said he'd never been contacted, that isn't even true. I reached-out to him back in May. Here are the PMs (SCREENS UNO AND DOS):

At 5/2/08 8:54 PM, YunVeroz wrote:
: Cheers :)
: Yun (as you would say as if you were saying "Young", minus the g)
: Veroz (VAIR-rows, vair as if it rhymed with the word "fair")
: hope that makes sense.
: At 5/2/08 7:25 PM, StephanosGnomon wrote:
: : sooo yeah, what's the proper way to pronounce your name? for, ya know, the standard rap track producer shout-out.
: :
: : as an aside, i know there's a lot of producer talent on NG but in my book you're top 3 along with Zajed and Warspawn. you cats come out with some truly EPIC-sounding hip-hop beats... and i'm not one to throw around the word "epic" left and right all willynilly and shit like some other kids on the net seem to.

Do you see ANY concern in him for what track(s) I might be shouting him out on? Do you see him worried about what song of his I might ruin? Do you see me being disrespectful or a jerk towards him, or do you see me wanting to pay homage to people I consider great artists? WHAT DO YOU SEE HERE? Y'all act like I'm the one being disrespectful yet you're the ones trying to chop ME down, coming to my profile telling me MY WORK ain't shit? Well fuck that. I don't consider myself "above respect"... I just REFUSE to bow down and lick the boot of hypocrisy. In light of all this bullshit you can be damn sure that I'm still going to finish doing what I set out to do and that I honestly couldn't give a fuck if you say you don't want to hear it. If you don't want to hear it, don't listen to it. If you want to down-vote my stuff just to spite me, grab all your buddies and go right ahead. I'll still love and hype-up and want to draw people to what Y'ALL create no matter what kind of silly, bullshit arguments or hatred you have against me.




Blah, blah I'm sure 90% of HIPHOP NG don't even know how you are and seeing as there's only like 30 people in it, you're at a standby, there's nothing here you should really have asked, that would have been the respectable thing to have done, I'm just sucked that such childish behavior has derived from a NG mod such as yourself. That and I'm shocked that 80% of the veterans of NG AP aren't gone! I mean the daily shit that gets pulled on this site. Hell most of them out are better off on sound click and MySpace... more views there too.

That's odd... it's like you're talking with a mouthful of marbles and yet, it's nothing but a typed response. How disoriented were you when you wrote this?

"You understand that the property may be made available for download on the Internet for a fee or otherwise, and hereby consent to such. You further understand that due to the nature of the Internet medium, the Property may be downloaded and reproduced by Internet users and agree and confirm that the Newgrounds shall have no liability whatsoever for an infringement of my rights by an Internet user who downloads and/or uses the Property in an unauthorized fashion."

Apparently, they didn't understand that when they sent in their audio. Basically: you're submitting your shit to the public domain for other people (primarily flash artists) to use. As far as I understand it, someone laying down vocal work is still art and pretty much just as entitled to use your work. QUIT whinin' about it. If you're worried about someone DEFILING your work with theirs in the first place, you shouldn't be offering it up to a site that states explicitly that its contributors may yet do exactly that.

Listen to you... talking sense, using logic and reason???

Who the FUCK do you think you are Evan!?!? You know that type of shit don't fly here!

your mom is a shemale

there i said it, we all can live a happy life knowing this. and im sure your dad didnt really mind i mean your here...

ok im done see yeah. hope your as music thing works out for you.


I would honestly be REAL EMBARRASSED to have someone like you as a part of my 'clique.'

Man, you're taking what they said personally. Spawn didn't ask you not to record because he thought you sucked, he asked you not to record because he didn't want to hear ANYONE on it. It's just like that. As for the sampling, mostly when people sample they aren't using the entire work, they are using a small selection and using that section to create something new.

Nobody in their right mind will say that lyrics aren't an art form. Beat making and rhyming are 2 different arts. The thing is, sometimes people put enough effort into either one that they don't want to hear people do anything with it. This has nothing to do with your talent as an MC. I know you're going to respond by thinking/saying "What about the artists they sampled from?". When you think about it, what do you think is worse for them, hearing a small part of their music used to create something or hearing their entire songs stolen from them and "remixed" with horrible drum beats by Youtube DJ's? I don't think they really care at this point.

Man, I'm being respectful here, so I sure as hell hope you'll remain the same.


"I also know your style with rapping, and I honestly don't want you on Tha Jump Off, Protect The Innocent, AND Project 103."


"Dude, you're not even a top notch lyricist. Hell, you're multis are simplistic, your delivery is bland, and your flow is average. You sound the same in every track for crying out loud."

"Go head and put your whack ass verses to our beats."


"From what I can hear, it sounds like you put enough reverb on your vocals, to the point that we can hear your ego telling us how good you are, if we listen closely. I think this is the second issue Spawn and I have: the internet has effectively nullified all quality control from hip-hop, let alone respect for the art itself. Had you been an incredible MC proven to be the second coming of Ol' Dirty Bastard, we probably wouldn't take that much issue."


So, like I told WS right off the bat... if you don't want people rhyming over your beats then DON'T upload them. Shit, especially beats MADE FOR rapping. I mean really, can we be serious here? You know EXACTLY what you're getting yourself into when you upload stuff to this site. What y'all SEEM to think is that there's some special body of extra or different rules that only apply to the Hip-Hop section of NG... and there simply isn't.

You've got really sick rhymes and I'm not saying your work doesn't deserve the scores ya got. You're way better in flow than me and I can openly admit that. I wanna get up to your level soontime. But it really does take more effort to make a beat than it is to actually produce the song. And that's just plain fact. It's not that we don't consider you a real artist. I'm the same way, I only rap over other people's beats.

Let me tell you a little story about one of war-spawn's beats "Shambles". Now, me and my boys were all chillen and so we wanted to record some shit. So I just downloaded some of war-spawn's tracks and decided to rap over 'em with my pal Josh. We rapped over Shambles and Tha Next Hell. I asked war-spawn if I could submit 'em both and you know what he said?
"Could you please not touch Shambles, it's sorta important to me."
Guess what I said.
"Ok sure man thanks for letting me use Tha Next Hell though."

I have a full track that kicks ass that me and my friend rapped over that could be uploaded right now. But I didn't out of respect for war-spawn and his wishes because it's more than just empty beats to him. Real artists put their soul into the music, not just their time. So when you walk in here thinking you're ENTITLED to these tracks... well, no you're not. He even suggested you hit him up on msn and he'd give you some other tracks. But you really did just throw that in his face after he was being polite and offered you other tracks to rap on. But you're so damn stubborn on your position on this you don't really notice that it's pissing people off. Well, now you do.

See, you could go off on us saying things like "Oh it's the internet, faggets. They're empty beats don't upload them then." So on and so fourth. But it really is a lot more than that. You were extremely disrespectful and that's what I personally take issue with. When he said he'd prefer you not to rap on them, you didn't say "Oh, well may I please rap over them anyhow and see if you like it?" No that's not what you said at all. You basically told Yun and war-spawn to fuck themselves and you're going to do it anyway.

So even though you think you're putting as much work into the track as they did, you're not. And even though you think you're putting your heart and soul onto the track, their souls are already there and sometimes they don't want other people's shit layin' over what they've made and we need to be respectful of that. Believe me you get a lot more out of the system in the end if you're just nice to people and don't stand so solid on your opinion. Who knows, if you decide not to rap over what, those 4 beats of war-spawn's, he'd likely give you 10 beats you like to rap over. Catch my drift?

So even though you don't give a flying fuck about what any of us think, you've made that very clear, we still do care. It's not just messing around on the internet now, you're taking someone's hard work, their time that they've spent working on a piece of art, and adding to it.

This is the way we all see it man. Would you walk into a museum and add a mustache to the Monalisa? Even if it looks badass, you just don't do it. Find a piece of artwork people want you to put a badass mustache on. Same with the beats here. Just ask like EVERYONE ELSE DOES. Nietzlawe told me specifically I could use whatever one of his tracks I liked to rap on, but even regardless of that I still ask him in advance before rapping over anything.

It's just respect for your fellow human being. I know that's hard to associate with the internet, but there really are real people behind these tracks and beats and you really can upset people in real life and that's what you've seemed to forgotten here. So regardless of what you feel you "Have to say", the beat makers already did that with the initial beat.

You're not just taking empty beats like you think you are. You're taking someone's message, their soul, their pride and joy, even if you don't hear any words being said. Some tracks are just more important to people than words. Don't you think if war-spawn wanted words over those tracks he'd do it himself? He's better than either of us and is more than capable of doing so.

Now I'm only saying this because war-spawn has been supportive of me and given me plenty of A-ranked tracks to spit on. He's been more than a nice guy here and I really cannot believe someone of your stature is stooping this low and being this disrespectful to someone like him. He just doesn't deserve it dude and that's why I just spent 30 minutes of my time to tell you this.

Give a little, you get a little.

Take a little, you only get a little and you piss everyone off. Comprendé? I really hope you understand. Just ask him for some different beats and calm this whole thing down. Please.

LOL honestly? I think y'all LOVE the drama. I wonder how often the D&B or Techno artists here upload their music, get it put in Flash games and then go off on the Flash author like "Eyo it's disrespectful to use my music without asking!"

I think you dudes just have this vision of the Hip-Hop industry and -- whether you consciously realize it or not -- are just emulating the same goofy beefs that re-occur on a damn-near regular basis in it. Well listen, I was never interested in beef and drama to begin with. I just do what I does, and like everyone here has realized by now, I'm abiding safely within the same rules set forth for the ENTIRE site.

I'm sorry that dudes have their feelings hurt or whatever, but really, I can't have THAT MUCH sympathy for people who conduct themselves like complete hypocrites. Don't try to lay non-existent rules upon me that y'all can't even abide yourselves.

Did you even read anything I said? I never said you're breaking any rules, you're just being a prick. What hypocrisy? I ask for EVERY one of my beats. It's just common courtesy and you seem to feel you're above that. That's the jist of what I'm saying.

You're above respect, you're above courtesy, and you're above asking.

All hail the mighty Guzzi. Senior Prick of NG. May his glorious aura shine on and be a testament to anyone else who ever gets upset because someone used their work without asking. Bow down to the man who has instated this new NG order.

"Fuck you I do what I want."

Oh. Ok fine I guess you're just not going to let anyone stand in your way of being a genuine asshole. By all means. I didn't realize that's what you were trying to accomplish here. Thought you were trying to be a nice guy up to this point. My apologies, every website needs their assholes.

Please excuse my insolence. How could I ever have questioned your decision to take my friend's music without his permission.

LOL, I'm just one person and I can get it, how come all you brickheads put-together can't understand what I mean by "hypocrisy"?

Their beats WOULD NOT EVEN EXIST if they hadn't TAKEN OTHER PEOPLE'S MATERIAL WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION. Do you get it yet? No? Still too complicated for you? Yeah? At this point I wouldn't even be surprised.

Besides that... your hyperbole was actually kinda cute. "Senior Prick of NG"??? LOL, that would be some funny shit for a business card or name plaque or something.

Sampling is a part of hip-hop. Regardless of whether or not you think it's stealing or not. It's just part of the whole genre. Many mainstream and underground artists sample music and sell it. SO when you say you're doing the same thing and everyone's just being hypocrites... well in a sense, yes, but mostly no. It's only thing to sample a hook or some melody into your own work to make it your own. But it's a whole different ball game when you just pick up a track off someone and just put words over it. No matter how much you say it's hypocritical of us to say all this, it really isn't.

Hip-hop artists have been sampling music since the beginning of the fucking genre. So to compare yourself to a beat maker who sample's their work is pretty off to begin with. You're comparing yourself to a beat sampler. You're not sampling a beat. You're just rapping over it. There's a big difference between taking 4 seconds of a melody and sampling it than taking an entire beat and rapping over it and I think you know this but you're too stubborn to admit it.

Summary: When war-spawn makes a beat he may use a few seconds of someone else's work which is technically legal and isn't frowned upon in the hip-hop community.

5 second melody sampled into a production > You just taking the whole project and rapping on it. No matter what you say, the beat takes more time and effort to make. Have you ever tried making a beat that's on the quality level of war-spawn or Yun? Good fucking luck.

End of story really no matter how you look at it. If you don't comprehend this, well then there really was no point in me saying anything at all other than my sense of obligation to stick up for a friend. Maybe you see it my way and just don't want to be moved on your own opinion, or maybe you are just blissfully ignorant.

This world aint ya ashtray bud.

Look man, all your arguments fall flat on their face... and when people approach me with dumb arguments, I'm not always going to be a polite fellow about pointing them out. When you keep REPEATING your dumb arguments I just get even more inclined to be a dick towards you. I'm trying real hard here not to go off on you for how deficient your faulty examples are but it's proving difficult.

I pretty much stopped reading what you had to say in your previous post after your "it really does take more effort to make a beat than it is to actually produce the song. And that's just plain fact." comment since it makes it pretty obvious that you don't know the fucking difference between fact and opinion then. In any case, I'm getting real tired of having to tear your shit apart and repeating what I've already said before.

I have no idea why you're trying to explain to me the importance of sampling to the genre when I already know full-well how much hip-hop hinges on it. You fail to see the simple, obvious point -- their work RELIES ON the work of others. You diminish my work as "just words" but you build up their work as if they were the ones who gave birth to the melodies themselves when they did no such thing. Yes, they have an incredible ear for samples and drum loops and are very skilled at blending things together. But is that the same as say... them playing the actual instruments themselves? No, it isn't. When you hear some of their tracks that have a heart-wrenching melody and grimy sick drum loop (e.g. Yun's 'Serotonin') then you can be damn sure that -- despite his excellent creative effort in bringing disparate musical forms together into one coherent piece -- the heart on that piano wasn't really HIS heart speaking, it was the original artist's.

And so now, you probably think I'm trying to downplay what they do when the truth is I'm just responding to YOU PEOPLE MAKING COMPARISONS *FIRST*. If it were up to me no-one would be comparing one form of art to the other, trying to make one form seem more significant or important than the other one when the reality is that THEY BOTH COMPLETE EACH-OTHER... when you start-up with this stupid shit about how one is more difficult or special than the other it just does EVERYONE a disservice dude.

Is there room for me to be on this post? Oh wait, I already am :<

But no seriously. I did offer to give other beats. You never really answered to that D:

I mean hey if you really have other ill beats that you'd want to share, then that would be awesome. I never responded to the offer because I honestly didn't think you were even being sincere... seeing as how you have damn near 300 entries and were giving me problems over wanting to use 4 or 5 of em. :\

And that was BEFORE you even had jokes, so... afterwards it's not like I was all that much more convinced either, ya know?



Also Merry belated Christmas. :P

And also, I did not harass at first. I believe my first comment was kinda just stating don't rap on those because they're priced possessions of mine. Then you said what you said, THEN I insulted. You were wrong for first starting a domino effect, and I was wrong for not ending it.

Yeah I should have made my initial reply short and sweet and not gone off all ranting with the "fucks" and "shits" and what-have-you, sparking resentment with everyone and all that... but dude, I mean, really... who makes a hip-hop beat and says they don't want ANYONE rhyming on it? That's just... that's just preposterous. Beats are MADE for rhymes. You can't make some ill shit and then tell people not to use it. That's just cruel, LOL. If these jams were at least tagged to begin with then I certainly would've gotten in touch with you first... hell, it's not like I would have even had a choice if that were the case. :\

But wait, don't go tagging all your beats now... that would just suck for everyone. LOL.


I regret all this static I've caused because I definitely respect you cats as artists and I don't want it to appear as being otherwise... but trying to shut me down before I even got started? I don't think that's too cool either my man. And your fans' hearts are in the right place too I guess, but they really aren't helping your cause by trying to dogpile me like that. Dominoes and snowballs and all that goofy shit. :P

Eyo lol. I love your shit don't get me wrong. Sorry if i just repeat shit my memory really is fucked and I don't remember wtf I've even said at the beginning of my response. Just felt obligated to say something I guess.

Yeh rap and beats go together like white on rice (except wild rice) I agree. But a verse aint nothin' without a beat. But a beat is still a beat. No one listens to ocapello (wtf spelling).

Just glad you guys worked shit out. I wanna hear you up o some or war-spawn's tracks fo sho man and I can't wait to hear what you do with 'em. But I know how particular WS is about his favorite tracks and it really is just a courtesy thing. Like I said, he's willing to give ya hot tracks to spit on. We're all fam here tryin' to push our way up that chart. Rather see you up there than 86% of the other rappers on here.

Keep ya shit dope and you got my vote.

Well then... thanks for the support fella. :D

you too man! whats good?

Chillin all day every day.

This logic dispute would have been a lot better if it were presented in a lyrical throwdown. A battle rap of sorts.

LOL look at you trying to instigate shit!

Truth be told though... I did spit some acid about them off the top to their (ironic and appropriately-titled) 'Bootleg' beat when I was hangin with friends the other week... I only remember a couple lines by now but I wouldn't want to record it anyway, it was pretty fucked up and I actually like these guys and don't want to be foul about things.

Lol, why is this debate still going on? He isn't gonna change his mind, so it's useless. Now, let's all squash it and play some Street Fighter 4.


I only have SF2 HD Remix to waste my time on while everyone else out there is getting sicknasty with the new Street Fighter.

And apparently PS3 online play is also garbage in comparison to X-box's... :\

TL;DR Also, how come I've never seen you on the forums, or anywhere else before? Are you an audio mod or something?

How come you act like you SHOULD know me?

Should I know who you are? Cuz I don't.

I think I love you.

Uh. Okay.

This has gotten stale... new post is hereby recommended :P

I'm still finagling with the mic soo... I'll think of something not music related.

lol, battle raps.

LOL indeed.